Topics of WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer
Heat and mass transfer,
Simulation, Modeling and Experimental Research in heat and mass transfer,
Simulation, Modeling and Experimental Research in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning,
Transport Phenomena,
Mathematical Physics problems,
Diffusion convection,
Conduction problems,
Internal Combustion Engines,
Steam Generators,
Thermal Installations,
Natural and forced convection,
Phase change,
Metal casting,
Welding, forging and other processes,
Heat exchangers,
Bio-heat transfer problems,
Heat Engineering and Electroscience,
Micro and Nano Scale Heat Transfer,
Turbulent heat transfer,
Heat storage,
Electronic cooling,
Air pollution modeling,
Urban air pollution,
Transport emissions,
Global and regional studies,
Indoor pollution,
Pollution engineering,
Aerosols and particles,
Emission of Pollutants from Thermal Engines,
Biogenics, agriculture and landfill emissions,
Environmental protection,
Management of heating resources,
Solar Energy,
Thermal Applications of Solar Energy,
Renewable energy,
Industrial applications,
Energy applications,
Natural resources,
Surface/Groundwater resources,
Soil and rock properties,
Mineral resources,
Geological chemistry,
Atmospheric chemistry,
Health effects,
Remote sensing,
Waste Management,
Solid Waste Processing,
Waste pre-treatment,
Waste Storage,
Waste Compaction,
Waste Logistics,
Water protection,
Clean Technologies,
Thermal Pollution in Ecosystems,
Coastal erosion and sedimentation,
Sea protection,
Sea Science,
Coastal protection,
Harbours and marinas protection,
Risk analysis,
Food contamination,
Chemical risk assessment,
Alternative Fuels,
Social and economic issues