WSEAS Transactions on Electronics
Print ISSN: 1109-9445, E-ISSN: 2415-1513
Volume 15, 2024
A Fractional Reduced Differential Transform Method for Solving Multi-Fractional Telegraph Equations
Authors: , ,
Abstract: This paper presents a novel modification of the Fractional Reduced Differential Transform Method (FRDTM) to solve space-time multi-fractional telegraph equations. The telegraph equation is crucial in modeling voltage and current distribution in electrical transmission lines, and its solutions have applications in physics, economics, and applied mathematics. The proposed method effectively simplifies the fractional differential equations by omitting one fractional derivative term, allowing for the transformation of the remaining terms using the FRDTM. The solutions demonstrate the method’s accuracy and efficiency in fractional partial differential equations. This study advances the analytical solutions of fractional telegraph equations by providing a straightforward yet powerful approach to fractional differential problems.
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Pages: 97-108
DOI: 10.37394/232017.2024.15.12