WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1991-8747 , E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 17, 2022
Geomechanics of Soft Ground Improvement by Perforated Piles: Review and Case Study
Authors: Sudip Basack, Gautam Das, SK Asif Iqbal, Jyotirmoy Deb
Abstract: Civil Infrastructure built on soft and compressible soil is likely to collapse due to undrained shear failure or unacceptable settlement of supporting foundations. Incorporation of adequate ground improvement technique with the aim of upgrading the strength and stiffness of the weak soil is essential in such cases. Amongst various established methods adopted worldwide for improving soft ground, using perforated piles is a relatively emerging technique. Such piles not only transmit the structural load into the subsoil beneath in a manner similar to the conventional piles, but also assist in radial consolidation of soft soil due to perforated side walls. This paper presents a brief overview on the investigations carried out on this new technique. Also, a typical case study has been presented. As observed, the axial pile capacity progressively increased while settlement reduction took place, with accelerated radial consolidation.
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Keywords: Axial capacity, Ground settlement, Radial consolidation, Skin friction, Soft ground, Stress concentration ratio
Pages: 21-28
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2022.17.4
WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8747 / 2224-3429, Volume 17, 2022, Art. #4