International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
E-ISSN: 2769-2507
Volume 2, 2020
FLR Effect on Stability of a Plasma in Porous Medium
Authors: , ,
Abstract: The Rayleigh-Taylor instability of an infinitely conducting plasma in porous medium is investigated taking into account the finiteness of ion Larmor radius (FLR) in the presence of a horizontal magnetic field. Here we considered the perturbations propagating along the ambient magnetic field. It is established that, real part of ? is negative, where ? is the growth rate of disturbance, so that instability does not arise in the form of increasing amplitude, i.e. overstability. To obtain an approximate solution of the problem, a variational principle is used. Further, the case of two semi-infinitely extending plasmas of constant densities separated by a horizontal interface is considered. It is found that the system is stable for all wave numbers for potentially stable configuration and unstable (for some wave numbers) for potentially unstable configuration. Also for the said disturbances, the inclusion of FLR and porosity does not change the criteria of stability or instability.
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Keywords: inite Larmor Radius Effect, horizontal magnetic field, porous medium, Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
Pages: 90-97
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, E-ISSN: 2769-2507, Volume 2, 2020, Art. #16