WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
Print ISSN: 1109-2769, E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 20, 2021
Characterizations of Graded Rings over Which Every Graded semi-primary Ideal is Graded 1-Absorbing Primary
Authors: Alaa Melhem, Malik Bataineh, Rashid Abu-Dawwas
Abstract: Let G be a group with identity e and R be a commutative G-graded ring with nonzero unity 1. Graded semi-primary and graded 1-absorbing primary ideals have been investigated and examined by several authors as generalizations of graded primary ideals. However, these three concepts are different. In this article, we character ize graded rings over which every graded semi-primary ideal is graded 1-absorbing primary and graded rings over which every graded 1-absorbing primary ideal is graded primary.