WSEAS Transactions on Communications
Print ISSN: 1109-2742, E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 20, 2021
Circular and Dual Polarized Antenna for Self-Interference Cancellation in the Next Generation of Mobile Communication Networks
Authors: Mohamed B. El-Mashade, Ehab A. Hegazy
Abstract: The interference phenomena is actually appeared in all current wireless communication systems. This
problem has different forms and impacts the performance of any wireless system. At the present time, a new
technology, that is called fifth generation (5G), of mobile communications knocks the doors to be commercial within
few days. Conventional wireless communication systems use two separate channels, one channel to transmit and
another to receive. Achieving single channel full duplex (FD) is one of the key challenges for 5G implementation.
Single channel FD provides the capability of sending and receiving concurrently over the same channel, along with
assuring efficient utilization of the available spectrum. With this newest technology, another sort of interference will
be generated which is called self–interference (SI). SI cancellation techniques represent an awesome solution for the
development of next generation. These techniques have two types: passive and active cancellation. Antenna
cancellation approach can be characterized as a passive cancellation. In our proposed work, antenna with two
feedings is employed as a cancellation procedure. A patch antenna is simulated and tested for two resonance
frequencies, 2.45GHz and 28.0GHz. Both frequencies are candidates of frequency channel proposed by ITU for the
fifth generation of mobile networks. Finally, the complete design and simulation of dual polarized, with series-fed 3 by 3
patch array on 3.3GHz, is provided.
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Keywords: Self-Interference Cancellation, Fifth Generation, Dual Polarized Antenna, Antenna Design, Patch Array Antenna
Pages: 18-27
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2021.20.4
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2742 / 2224-2864, Volume 20, 2021, Art. #4