WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer
Print ISSN: 1790-5044, E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 12, 2017
Turbulent Heat Transfer and Nanofluid Flow in a Pipe with Half Circle Ribs
Author: Hussein Togun
Abstract: Heat transfer and turbulent nanofluid flow in a pipe with half circle ribs are numerically examined. A finite volume method (FVM) based on shear-stress transport (SST) k-ω turbulence model are adopted. The Computational problem is solved for alumina–water (Al2O3-H2O) nanofluid ranged from 1% to 4%, turbulent regime Re = 10000 - 25000, step heights of ribs was 2.5mm and 5mm for pitch ratio changed from 5 to 40. The numerical results indicated that the effects of Reynolds number, steps height, and pitch ratio of ribs on enhancement of heat transfer. Increase of volume fraction of Al2O3 nanofluids leads to increases in local heat transfer coefficient and the highest local heat transfer coefficient observed with 4% volume fraction of Al2O3 nanofluids compared with others. It is also found that local pressure drop rises with Reynolds number and volume fraction of Al2O3 nanofluids due to increases in flow rate and density of conventional fluid. Recirculation flow observed after and before each rib which have major effect on thermal performance.
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Pages: 136-143
WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5044 / 2224-3461, Volume 12, 2017, Art. #16