WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer
Print ISSN: 1790-5044, E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 15, 2020
Barotropic Rossby Waves With Non-zonal Basic Flows, Topography and δ Effect
Authors: Hongxin Zhang, Hongxing Cao, Jian Song
Abstract: Using the multi-scale method, the stability of barotropic Rossby waves with topography and δ effects have been studied in non-zonal basic flow. The influences of the non-zonal basic flows and topography and the parameter δ on the Rossby waves are discussed. The results show that the W-E oriented topography and the N-S oriented topography on the stability and phase speed of the Rossby waves are quite different; the effect of parameter δ is remarkable in the high latitude regions.