WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer
Print ISSN: 1790-5044, E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 19, 2024
New Geometry for the Enhancement of the Raceway Pond Performance
Authors: , ,
Abstract: This work aims to enhance the hydrodynamic properties of microalgae production units which can
solve the issue of the energy demand and the environmental problem of the world. The studied system is a
raceway pond built in Monastir city in Tunisia. By using the commercial CFD software, ANSYS Fluent, a set
of simulations was created to assess the hydrodynamic characteristics of the pond. The results were verified
through the experimental measurements of the fluid velocity in both channels of the system. The standard k-ɛ
turbulence model was used to model the turbulence created by the paddle wheel of the fluid flow. Two design
parameters were studied in this paper. The impact of the configuration of the bend system's endpoint on the
behavior of the pond was investigated by altering two radii. The numerical findings align well with the
experimental observations.
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Keywords: Raceway ponds, CFD model, Energy, Microalgae production, radii Bend, Hydrodynamic,
Experimental measurements, Design
Pages: 114-132
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2024.19.13