WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research
Print ISSN: 1991-8755, E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 12, 2024
Enterprise Malware Detection using Digital Forensic Artifacts and Machine Learning
Authors: ,
Abstract: Malware detection is a complex task. Numerous log aggregation solutions and intrusion detection systems can help find anomalies within a host or a network and detect intrusions, but they require precise calibration, skilled analysts, and cutting-edge technology. In addition, processing host-based data is challenging, as every log, event, and configuration can be analyzed. In order to obtain trusted information about a host state, the analysis of a computer’s memory can be performed, but obtaining the data from acquisition and performing the analysis can be challenging. To address this limitation, this paper proposes to collect artifacts within a network environment. This approach involves remotely gathering memory-based and disk-based artifacts from a simulated enterprise network using Velociraptor. The data was then processed using three machine learning algorithms to detect the malware samples against regular user activity generated with a user simulation tool for added realism. With this method, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine achieved a perfect classification of 41 malware samples.
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Keywords: Digital forensics, Host-based monitoring, Machine learning, Malware, Memory forensics, User simulation, Volatility, Velociraptor
Pages: 336-347
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2024.12.33