WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 22, 2025
Innovation Model by China’s New-Energy-Vehicles Companies: In the Case of NIO
Abstract: Interned-based automobile manufacturers and their marketing models of new energy vehicles are different from conventional companies, and need innovation paths and models to overcome challenges like a gap between consumers’ expectations and high-tech applications and new internet-related conceptions. Through the study and consideration of NIO’s marketing model, standing from the perspective of industry practitioners, this work aims to provide insights and ideas for practitioners by having a reference role in researching marketing model innovations in the automotive industry in the new environment. We aim to analyze NIO’s innovation model through AISAS and challenges it faces and the problems hidden behind its marketing and positioning strategies. Also, based on 4C rules, we propose ideas and steps to handle these problems.
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Keywords: Innovation path, AISAS model, Internet-based NEV manufacturer, NIO, Electronic cars, Marketing
Pages: 99-109
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2025.22.10