WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control
Print ISSN: 1991-8763, E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 15, 2020
(Special Issue: Advanced Control and Diagnosis Systems in Mechatronic Engineering,, Organizer - Guest Editor: Prof. Jerzy Garus) Diagnostic and Measurement System for Marine Engines
Author: Adam Charchalis
Abstract: Modern way of machines’ exploitation, due to their high level of structural complication, requires proper level of supervising. This is enabled by more than 60 years’ development of the inspection and maintenance technologies. Nowadays it focuses on preventing the unplanned accidents by detection of pre-failure states and predictive a future trend of the machine. To detect the problem and avoid the failure very important and essential is to develop the Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and Condition Monitoring including assessment of working process, vibration analysis, oil purity testing, endoscopic, ultrasonic and thermal analysis. The paper presents a design and structure of the Exploitation Decision Aid System dedicated for diagnosis of marine engines condition. There are also presented examples of results obtained with use of the system.
Search Articles
Pages: 349-355
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2020.15.36
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8763 / 2224-2856, Volume 15, 2020, Art. #36