WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control
Print ISSN: 1991-8763, E-ISSN: 2224-2856
Volume 15, 2020
(Special Issue: Advanced Control and Diagnosis Systems in Mechatronic Engineering,, Organizer - Guest Editor: Prof. Jerzy Garus) The Influence of Mechanical Treatment Type on the Tribological Properties of Flame Sprayed Ni-5% Al-15% Al2O3 Composite Coatings
Author: Robert Starosta
Abstract: During operation of marine pumps, one of the most common disability is tribological wear of shaft neck cooperating with the gland. In the practice, worn shafts are exchanged for new or are regenerated by chromium plating, padding or thermally sprayed of ceramic coatings, mainly Al2O3. In this article, the use of flame sprayed Ni-5%Al-15%Al2O3 composite coatings were proposed. The surfaces of coatings by turning, grinding are burnishing treatments were formed. Tribological properties of composite materials are dependent on the proportion and size of the reinforcing phase particles contained in a metal matrix. A reinforcement composite with very small dimensions and the amounts may result in increased wear and increase the coefficient of friction. It is therefore important to check whether the advisable of phase composition will not adversely affect the wear of the composite and the cooperating the part. The presence of a 15% volume fraction of the alumina particles on the selected tribological properties of the Ni-5%Al matrix composite coatings were evaluated. In order to assess the effect of the applied tapes of finishing on wear of composite coatings, the tribological tests were performed on the "T05" tribometer with head roll- piece type. It has been found that the burnishing favors a lower wear of composite coating and the cooperating element compared to the coatings after turning treatments. At the same time observed more than ten times less wear intensity of composite coatings in the initial time of friction, which may indicate a shorter time needed to running-in of cooperating elements.
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Keywords: Tribological test, T-05 tribometer, composite coating, Ni-Al-Al2O3 coating, thermal spraying
Pages: 333-340
DOI: 10.37394/23203.2020.15.34
WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1991-8763 / 2224-2856, Volume 15, 2020, Art. #34