WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Print ISSN: 1790-5079, E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 16, 2020
Installing Piezoelectric tiles in Children Outdoor Playing areas to Create Clean & Healthy Environment; Case Study of El-Shams Sporting Club, Cairo_Egypt
Author: Rania Rushdy Moussa
Abstract: The pollution rate has increased during the last decades, the increasing percentage of CO2 and methane causes environmental problems such as changing in climate and rising of new diseases that jeopardize the public health. Creating a clean and healthy environment is an essential goal to protect the planet and human race. The environmental changes became a great issue all over the world especially in the developing countries such as Egypt, lately the electricity generation process and the heavy usage of fossil fuel increased the numbers of children infected by asthma and lung problems due to the air pollution. In order to have clean and healthy environment, these countries must reduce the use of non-renewable sources and replace them with clean renewable sources. Relying on non-renewable sources for electricity generation is not a suitable option anymore for the developing countries that suffers from economic problem, has no medical insurance policy and has high pollution rates such as Egypt. Children usually consumes a lot of energy during their playing period which helps them to learn and to develop their skills, it is considered one of the healthiest and most important routine for the children. This research intends to use the children movements during their playing period to generate clean energy that can be used to electrify children outdoor areas in order to create a clean and healthy environment for children in the developing countries while providing a new environmental friendly source for energy generation. The main scope Integrating piezoelectric cells in the children outdoor play sets and to use quantitative research method to calculate the average energy generated from installing the piezoelectric tiles in the children outdoor area of El-Shams sports club located in Egypt. The study will compare the energy generated from using piezoelectric cells to the club’s energy consumption. The results revealed that installing piezoelectric tiles in children outdoor area generated more than 50 % of energy consumed in the sports club.
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Pages: 471-479
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2020.16.48
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 16, 2020, Art. #48