WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Print ISSN: 1790-5079, E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 16, 2020
A Proposed Integrated Supply Chain Management Framework for Tuna Fishery in Palabuhanratu
Authors: Atikah Nurhayati, A. H. Purnomo
Abstract: Tuna production potential of Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi District, is very high but the fishery is not supported by a good supply chain. In this location, there are two existing chains namely fresh and derivative-product chains; both are influenced significantly by seasonal variables. This research aims to analyze integrated supply chain management for tuna fishery in Palabuhanratu. Data for this research comprises both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected through interviews with 20 respondents representing fishermen, 10 representing wholesalers, 10 representing retailers, 10 representing consumers, all of which were drawn from following the snowball sampling technique. Meanwhile, secondary data were time series tuna production statistics made available from the printed report of the Sukabumi District Fishery Office. This research employed the factor analysis and fisheries supply chain management model as the main methodological tools. The result showed that among others, the most influential factors for tuna demand in the research location are price of fish, tuna product diversity, and distribution of tuna catch. On the other hand, in the supply side the most influential factors are fishing season and tuna species. It was identified from the research that with regard to the existing chains, this research identified that there are variants of both the fresh fish and derivative product chains, each of which have some particular drawbacks related to influential factors observed in the other part of this research. It is worth noting here that variants of the fresh tuna chain are: (i) fishers, auction place, wholesalers, retailers, consumers, (ii) fishers, auction place, consumers, (iii) fishers, consumers. Variants of the derivative-product chain are: (i) fishers, auction place, wholesalers, processors, processed fish wholesalers, processed fish retailers, consumers, (ii) fishers, auction place, processors, processed fish wholesalers, processed fish retailers, consumers, (iii) fishers, auction place, processors, processed fish retailers, consumers. In general, this research suggests that improvement should be made through the introduction of an integrative approach aiming to incorporate tools necessary to mitigate negative influential factors and to take advantage the positive ones.
Search Articles
Pages: 1-10
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2020.16.1
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 16, 2020, Art. #1