WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 17, 2020
Competitiveness of Higher Education in Ukraine and Certain European Countries: Empirical Studies on Funding and Academic Attractiveness
Authors: , , , ,
Abstract: The article deals with the competitiveness and funding of higher education in certain Eastern and Central European countries. The development of higher education is characterized by certain shortcomings that require the reform of higher education systems in such countries like Ukraine in the direction of ensuring the innovative development of education and forms of its funding. The trend of recent years shows an increased interest of students in international mobility. Unfortunately, this process can positively and negatively affect the attractiveness and competitiveness of higher education in the home country. An idea of the article is to verify does the decline in demand for higher education in home countries could be driven by the level of competitive higher education system or the costs of education, including the role of government quote on higher education. Secondly, determine the cause-effect relationships between the factors affecting the demand for higher education in the country and abroad. The results of the research confirm the strong dependence of the competitiveness of higher education system on the existing form of its financing (the direction of using funds in favor of development costs and the ratio of funding sources in the studied country) and academic attractiveness.
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Keywords: Competitiveness of Higher Education, Attractiveness of Higher Education, Quality of Higher Education System, Forms of Funding, Government Expenditure on Higher Education, Academic Mobility
Pages: 849-858
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2020.17.83