Engineering World
Print ISSN: , E-ISSN: 2692-5079 An Open Access, Peer Reviewed Journal of Selected Publications in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Volume 2, 2020
Analysis on Security Vulnerabilities of Medical Wearable Devices (Fitness Trackers)
Authors: ,
Abstract: Nowadays, many smart and wearable devices are invented and sometimes utilized for human use. The advantage of these devices provides efficient and convenient communication with users within seconds, these smart devices are demonstrated to serve humans. Two of the major advantages of wearable devices are collect and analyze the body health conditions and signals in real-time monitoring. Also significant features of wearable technology provides connectivity and flexibility for users to access online information and communicate with others. These devices depend on wireless systems such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Wearable devices are becoming a hot topic in many fields such as medical, fashion, education, etc. On the other and, they are becoming one of the vulnerable health devices, and it can be a potential security risks and threat. In this project, we will discuss the comparative analysis of fitness wearable devices, and we will emphasize the importance of this topic by revealing the potential security concerns. In recent years, Blockchain technology is becoming a primary option to secure systems. Blockchain could be used to enable smart and wearable devices to secure patient health records. Both the patient and the doctor will have access to repository health information of the patient.
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Pages: 162-166
Engineering World, ISSN / E-ISSN: / 2692-5079, Volume 2, 2020, Art. #25