International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
E-ISSN: 2769-2507
Volume 1, 2019
ATNN and SVM for Autonomous Mobile Robot
Authors: ,
Abstract: If a robot does not know where it is, it can be difficult to determine what to do next. In order to localize itself, a robot has access to relative and absolute measurements giving the robot feedback about its driving actions and the situation of the environment around the robot. Given this information, the robot has to determine its location as accurately as possible. What makes this difficult is the existence of uncertainty in both the driving and the sensing of the robot. The uncertain information needs to be combined in an optimal way. The Kalman Filter is a technique from estimation theory that combines the information of different uncertain sources to obtain the values of variables of interest together with the uncertainty in these. In this work we provide a thorough discussion of the robot localization problem resolved by Kalman Filter, Adaptive Time Delay Neural Network and Support Vector machines.
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Keywords: Extended Kalman Filter, Adaptive Time Delay Neural Network, Support Vector Machines, Robot, Localization
Pages: 84-89
International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, E-ISSN: 2769-2507, Volume 1, 2019, Art. #14