WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing
Print ISSN: 1790-5052, E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 17, 2021
Robust Real Time Multiple Human Detection and Tracking for Automatic Visual Surveillance System
Authors: Lakhyadeep Konwar, Anjan Kumar Talukdar, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma
Abstract: Detection of human for visual surveillance system provides most important rule for advancement in the design of future automation systems. Human detection and tracking are important for future automatic visual surveillance system (AVSS). In this paper we have proposed a flexible technique for proper human detection and tracking for the design of AVSS. We used graph cut for segment human as a foreground image by eliminating background, extract some feature points by using HOG, SVM classifier for proper classification and finally we used particle filter for tracking those of detected human. Our system can easily detect and track humans in poor lightening conditions, color, size, shape, and clothing due to the use of HOG feature descriptor and particle filter. We use graph cut based segmentation technique, therefore our system can handle occlusion at about 88%. Due to the use of HOG to extract features our system can properly work in indoor as well as outdoor environments with 97.61% automatic human detection and 92% automatic human detection and tracking accuracy of multiple human
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Keywords: Segmentations, Graph cut, HOG, SVM, Human detection, Human tracking, Particle filter, Occlusion handling
Pages: 93-98
DOI: 10.37394/232014.2021.17.13
WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5052 / 2224-3488, Volume 17, 2021, Art. #13