WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Print ISSN: 1790-5079, E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 17, 2021
‘Diia. Digital state’ and E-Government Practices as Anti-Corruption Tools in Ukraine
Authors: Kostyantyn B. Marysyuk, Inna O. Tomchuk, Mykhaіlo D. Denysovskyі, Iryna O. Geletska, Bohdan V. Khutornyi
Abstract: The research is topical due to complex structure and multifactority of corruption in transition countries, its overcoming and prevention. The study is aimed to identify opportunities and assess the political experience of anti-corruption practices in transition countries, based on analysis of anti-corruption policy, in part e-government. Case study methods, systemic analysis of modernization processes in the political systems of transition countries, structural and functional analysis of anti-corruption policy, methods for predicting the success of transit processes in countries, modeling plausible scenarios of these processes were applied. Transitional systems are highly corrupt. There is institutional corruption in transition countries, i.e. corruption that has become a special institution regarding traumatic social transformation. The reason for institutionalization of corruption is weakness of transitional states, which has not yet become democratic. The use of information technology in political management becomes one of the leading criteria for democratization of political institutions, openness of political systems. Optimization of anti-corruption practices involves in part introduction of e-government. The consideration of e-government is methodologically comprehensive. The consequences of corruption relate to the redistribution of budget funds, various economic benefits, which are not always good for citizens. Economic growth is slowing down, the priorities of socio-economic development are distorted, the labor and entrepreneurial motivation of economic agents, is distorted. The experience of modernization of transformations and political reforms in different regions shows that one of the main factors determining specifics of political process is effectiveness of national models of anti-corruption practices in interests of citizens
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Keywords: E-Government, Good Governance, E-Government Concept, Political Modernization, Transit State
Pages: 885-897
DOI: 10.37394/232015.2021.17.83
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 17, 2021, Art. #83