WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1790-5087, E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 16, 2021
Measurements of Nozzle Valve Flow Characteristicsin a Handy Shower Set
Authors: Wojciech Wolak, Krzysztof Dubaj, Artur Bartosik
Abstract: The paper deals with nozzle valve characteristics used in modern portable device, named handy
shower, dedicated for personal hygiene. Such device significantly reduces water consumption and can be easily
and quickly changed into a shower, sink or bidet. Importance of such device continuously rises as some regions
and cities face water shortages. The aim of the paper is to measure and analyse characteristics of nozzle valves
in portable handy shower for different hight of hydrostatic pressure, different number of holes in the nozzle and
different level of valve opening. Experiments required measurements of volumetric flow rate and pressure
drops. The pressure drops on the nozzle valve were measured using differential pressure transducer with
accuracy of 1 Pa, while the water flow rate at the outlet of the nozzle was measured using the time-volume
method with accuracy for volume and time 1ml and 0.1s, respectively. Experiments confirmed substantial
influence of hight of hydrostatic pressure, number of holes in the nozzle, and the level of valve opening on
outlet water flow rate from the device. It is demonstrated that for chosen height of hydrostatic pressure and for
filled water tank it is possible to calculate duration of the use of handy shower for specific hygiene purpose by
choosing appropriate level of valve opening and the right nozzle valve with a certain number of holes. Authors
discussed possible reason that some of measured points are scattered at low level of valve opening. Results of
experience were presented as graphs and conclusions.
Search Articles
Pages: 1-7
DOI: 10.37394/232013.2021.16.1
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5087 / 2224-347X, Volume 16, 2021, Art. #1