WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications
Print ISSN: 1790-0832, E-ISSN: 2224-3402
Volume 14, 2017
Inspection of Nanofibrous Cloth Defects for Industrial Application
Authors: , , , ,
Abstract: Performance of electrostatic process, the properties of the fibers and stability of the layer is primarily determined by several limiting conditions such as parameters of process itself, properties of polymer solution, and ambient conditions. Anyway, the conditions of the process are set as ideal the final nanofibers cloth contains defects. Rough defects are seen as droplets of polymer, thinned fibrous layer or impurities that occur from the polymer solution. The local value of defects can not be determined by conventional methods. The analysis of defects of the final product runs in off-line mode without backward loop and progressive intervention to the process, when it exceeds certain amount. The need for a direct link is obvious. Here we present a method of fiber cloth analysis based on line scan camera visualization using various illumination. We detect rough defects using image processing. These defects then evaluate their number determined in the area for each defect and its dimensions in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
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Keywords: electrospinning, defect detection, visualization, measurement, image analysis, signal processing
Pages: 82-88
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-0832 / 2224-3402, Volume 14, 2017, Art. #10