WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 18, 2021
The Impact of Terrorism on Capital Markets
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: This work aims to analyze the impact of terrorism on the countries’ capital markets and in the transport industry. To this end, eight recent terrorist attacks in the European Union have been studied and compared to two older similar attacks in the same region. The stock indices used in this study relate to the country’s main index where the attack occurred and the FTSE Euro 100, S&P 500, and Dow Jones Singapore indices, representing the European, American, and Asian markets respectively. The results of this work are relatively discrepant since it was not possible to identify concretely the pattern of a terrorist attack on the capital markets. However, when we look at both time horizons studied, the results point to a greater capacity for market recover over time on terrorism.
Search Articles
Pages: 962-968
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.91