WSEAS Transactions on Communications
Print ISSN: 1109-2742, E-ISSN: 2224-2864
Volume 20, 2021
Delay Factors Modelling for Real-Time Traffic Information Systems
Authors: Marius Minea, Iulian Bădescu
Abstract: The paper is presenting an overview of the factors that lead to critical delays which may occur in multi-modal realtime traffic and travel information systems (MRTTI) employing cellular data network communications. The analysis is taking into account MRTTI systems that use mobile devices to detect position and speed of a vehicle and receive traffic information furthermore used to adjust a previously defined route from origin to destination points. Information transmission delays are also investigated for route guidance systems used in critical applications, such as emergency vehicles management. The identification of the delay factors and some models regarding the delays are presented along with measurements on a real system.
Search Articles
Pages: 192-197
DOI: 10.37394/23204.2021.20.25
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2742 / 2224-2864, Volume 20, 2021, Art. #25