WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development
Print ISSN: 1790-5079, E-ISSN: 2224-3496
Volume 14, 2018
Success Rate Evaluation of Severe Storm Phenomena and Flash Floods Forecasting
Author: David Šaur
Abstract: This article focuses on proposal new methods to predict strong convective storms that can cause flash floods. Flash flood is determined by the interaction of a number of factors such as the very intense convective precipitation (torrential rainfall accompanied by hail and strong wind gusts), slow motion of convective storms and the soil saturation. These factors have been included in the Algorithm of Storm Prediction, whose prediction results are presented in the two outcome of this article. The result section contains an assessment of the success rate of predictions of convective precipitation and storm intensity, which is complemented by the evaluation of the prediction success rate of severe storm phenomena. Primarily, the goal of the algorithm is to provide predictive information about risk of flash floods that comprise all the above mentioned outputs. Secondarily, the orieintally overview of other forecast outputs is part of the second result section.
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Keywords: Weather forecasting, convective storm, torrential rainfall, hailstorm, strong wind gusts, flash floods, meteorological radars, crisis management, NWP models
Pages: 548-560
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5079 / 2224-3496, Volume 14, 2018, Art. #60