WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Print ISSN: 1790-5060, E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 14, 2019
Dynamic Control Design for UPFC using Model Predictive Control
Authors: A. Haider, S.Α. Al-Μawsawi, Q. Alfaris
Abstract: Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) technology is one of the innovative solutions which were proposed to obtain better utilization and controlling of power over the transmission network in steady state and transient conditions. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is selected in this study as it is considered as the most of powerful controller among all FACTS controllers. It has the capability of controlling concurrently or selectivity the transmission line parameters such as the voltage magnitude, impedance and phase angle, or alternatively the flow of the active and reactive power in the transmission line. The controllers which are being used in UPFC are very important to control the transmission lines parameters as desired and the type of these controllers is mainly conventional PI controllers. The main challenge of this type of controller is that the coefficients of the PI controller can’t be modified automatically without intervention to cater any unforeseen change in the system. In this paper, the conventional PI controller used in the UPFC will be compared with an adaptive control scheme called Model Productive Controller (MPC). This type of adaptive controller which is connected to UPFC will be investigated to ensure its robustness, effectiveness and the capability to accommodate any sudden load change in the system of Single Machine to Infinite Bus (SMIB).
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Pages: 163-171
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5060 / 2224-350X, Volume 14, 2019, Art. #20