WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics
Print ISSN: 1109-9526, E-ISSN: 2224-2899
Volume 18, 2021
Strategic Interaction of State Institutions and Enterprises with Economic Security Positions in Digital Economy
Authors: Yevhenii Rudnichenko, Stepan Melnyk, Nataliia Havlovska, Olena Illiashenko, Natalia Nakonechna
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to develop a model of the influence of state institutions on the enterprise economic security system of using the provisions of game theory. For each of the two participants in the game - state institutions and enterprises - proposed indicators determine the strategy of the game participant and their behavior in such a game. The content of each of the proposed indicators is considered and it is shown how their value can be obtained. The proposed indicators for both participants in the game are leveled to a single scale. The indicators of the model of the antagonistic game between the enterprise and state institutions are determined that became the basis for the construction of the game model, which is a tuple. The developed model of the influence of state institutions on the enterprise economic security system, represented by a combination of possible strategies for the behavior of both participants in the game in hyper cubic five-dimensional space, which are expressed by the values of indicators for each of these participants, as well as the calculated “gain” for each of these combinations. Using this model allows to achieve different results depending on the goal of the study. The main result of the model is the search for a balance of interests in the “enterprise-state” system. That is, the search for those points of stable choice that can be obtained using the developed model, namely: search for a local or general extremum in the game field, which will determine the maximum win for one of the participants or the total win of two participants at the same time; research and quantitative estimation of the actual and maximum possible negative impact of state institutions on the economic security system of business entities; determining the expected change in the influence of state institutions on the economic security system of business entities due to changes in its strategy; the establishment of the best strategy for a business entity in existing conditions, which, according to the selected criterion, will ensure the stable functioning of the economic security system at an enterprise; determination of the limits of the negative impact of state institutions on the economic security system of an enterprise.
Search Articles
Pages: 218-230
DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.23
WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-9526 / 2224-2899, Volume 18, 2021, Art. #23