WSEAS Transactions on Signal Processing
Print ISSN: 1790-5052, E-ISSN: 2224-3488
Volume 15, 2019
3-D Point Cloud Reconstruction of Infrared Images based on Improved Structure from Motion
Authors: Yingying Kong, Bowen Zhang, Yingying Chen, Henry Leung, Shiyu Xi
Abstract: Structure from Motion (SfM) has been proved an efficient algorithm of 3-D point cloud reconstruction derived from optical images. This paper extends it to infrared images taken by thermal cameras. To solve the absence of distinctive features and presence of thermal reflections with low contrast, this paper proposed a new TAC-RANSAC model to eliminate the mismatches using a feature detection algorithm suitable for infrared images. The experiment shows that the proposed method reduced the number of mismatches and obtain an ideal result of reconstruction.