WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1790-5087, E-ISSN: 2224-347X
Volume 14, 2019
Formula-one 3D Vehicle Aerodynamic Modeling, Geometric Idealization and Mesh Refinement Strategies
Authors: Mark Lin, Periklis Papadopoulos
Abstract: Aerodynamic analysis techniques on a complex 3-D geometry performed using ANSYS Fluent CFD is presented in this paper. Specifically, a formula racecar’s full-car model is analyzed where aerodynamic design plays a critical role in the vehicle’s performance. CFD computational fluid dynamics is used because it would not be practical to use a theoretical approach due to the geometry’s complexity. In order to analyze this vehicle model the solution approach is illustrated in three parts. First, a multi-element front wing assembly is analyzed by using a high-fidelity mesh modeling technique to capture local flow structure through a multitude of flaps and vanes. After the high-fidelity meshing technique has been demonstrated, next, a sequential idealization technique is used to study various combinations of airfoils to determine which configuration gives the highest aerodynamic efficiency. The result shows that an intermediate configuration offer the best lift-to-drag ratio, and that any additional airfoils does not improve the aerodynamic efficiency. Finally, the techniques for high-fidelity meshing and iterative solving are demonstrated on a full-car model to show how to solve aerodynamic problems of a real-world, complex 3D geometry. The paper concludes with a proposal for an oblique-wing geometry which takes advantage of non-symmetric turning-bias of modern race tracks. Comparison results with a conventional-wing car show that an oblique-wing car offer higher turning-downforce and lower drag than the traditional symmetrical version.
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Pages: 40-61
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5087 / 2224-347X, Volume 14, 2019, Art. #6