WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
Print ISSN: 1109-2769, E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 18, 2019
Bayesian Variable Selection for Poisson Regression with Spatially Varying Coefficients
Authors: Jinjian Mu, Guanyu Hu, Lynn Kuo
Abstract: Poisson regression model is commonly used to model count data. In many scenarios, the data are collected from various locations so spatially varying coefficient Poisson regression model is developed to adjust for spatial dependence. We propose a Bayesian variable selection method for Poisson regression model with spatially varying coefficients. Considering computation efficiency we assign a conjugate multivariate log-gamma (MLG) prior to the regression coefficients and further incorporate the spatial information into the covariance matrix. We apply the horseshoe prior to facilitate a robust variable selection method with computational efficiency and build a MCMC algorithm for the posterior inference.