WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics
Print ISSN: 1109-2769, E-ISSN: 2224-2880
Volume 18, 2019
Behavior of Continuous Two-contours System
Authors: Alexander G. Tatashev, Marina V. Yashina
Abstract: A deterministic continuous dynamical system is considered. This system contains two contours. The length of the ith contour equals c_i, i=1,2. There is a moving segment (cluster) on each contour. The length of the cluster, located on the ith contour, equals l_i, i=1,2. If a cluster moves without delays, then the velocity of the cluster is equal to 1. There is a common point (node) of the contours. Clusters cannot cross the node simultaneously, and therefore delays of clusters occur. A set of repeating system states is called a spectral cycle. Spectral cycles and values of average velocities of clusters have been found. The system belongs to a class of contour networks. This class of dynamical systems has been introduced and studied by A.P. Buslaev.
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Pages: 28-36
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2769 / 2224-2880, Volume 18, 2019, Art. #4