WSEAS Transactions on Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-2777, E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 18, 2019
Analyzing Controllability of Dynamical Systems Modelling Brain Neural Networks
Author: Maria Isabel Garcia-planas
Abstract: The brain structure can be modelled as a deep recurrent complex neuronal network. Networked systems are expressly interesting systems to control because of the role of the underlying architecture, which predisposes some components to particular control motions. The concept of brain cognitive control is analogous to the mathematical concept of control used in engineering, where the state of a complex system can be adjusted by a particular input. The in-depth study on the controllability character of dynamical systems, despite being very difficult, could help to regulate the brain cognitive function. small advances in the study can favour the study and action against learning difficulties such as dyscalculia or other disturbances like the phenomena of forgetting
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Keywords: Neural network, controllability, exact controllability, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, linear systems
Pages: 304-312
WSEAS Transactions on Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2777 / 2224-2678, Volume 18, 2019, Art. #38