WSEAS Transactions on Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-2777, E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 18, 2019
LPV-H∞ Control with Optimal Weighting Functions Selection by Nature-Inspired Algorithms, Applied to an Inverted Pendulum on Cart
Authors: Seif-El-Islam Hasseni, Latifa Abdou
Abstract: In this paper, the robust stabilization and control of an inverted pendulum on cart is investigated; the robustness is guaranteed against the external inputs; disturbances and measurement noises, and parametric uncertainties. The contribution is based on creating this nonlinear system as a Linear Parameter Varying System (LPV) to allow the applying of robust LPV techniques possible. In addition, one of the more constraints is the selection of the weighting functions that represent the desired performance; in this work we used two approaches of optimization nature-inspired algorithms; Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Evolutionary Strategies (ES) to find the weighting functions’ parameters, with guarantee the robustness against external signals and uncertainties. Last more point, the represented underactuation constraint of the selected vehicle; we extend the robust stabilization by considering the both of degrees of freedom; the rotational and the translational. The controllers we get are robust against the external signals and uncertainties, and with the nonlinear range of angles as initial conditions
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Keywords: Inverted Pendulum on cart, Robust Control, Underactuated Systems, Nature-Inspired Algorithms, Linear Parameter Varying Systems, H∞.
Pages: 270-281
WSEAS Transactions on Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2777 / 2224-2678, Volume 18, 2019, Art. #34