WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-2734, E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 18, 2019
Fabrication of flexible, half printed and all-solid-state asymmetric supercapacitor based on silver decorated reduced graphene oxide
Authors: Abd Elhamid M. Abd Elhamid, Asmaa A. Alamin, Ahmed M. Selim, Madlin A. Wasfey, Mohamed B. Zahran
Abstract: Flexible supercapacitor (SC) that possess high pulse power and energy density with long lifetime is an essential need for future applications. Moreover, gel polymer liquid-based SC presents many superior advantages over aqueous organic/inorganic electrolytes such as safety, long operation temperature range, solid-state appearance and relatively high voltage window. Therefore, Silver decorated reduced graphene oxide (RGO) coupled with developed (H3PO4/PVA/GO/ polyaniline) gel polymer were used to fabricate the SCs, which offers flexibility, durability, safety and ability to apply high scan rate. Influence of different ratios of silver to GO weight on specific capacitance and performance were studied. The SCs were prepared by printing technique (layer by layer) then peeled of the basic plastic substrate. After that, silver thin films were sputtered on both sides of the SCs as the current collectors using a shadow mask as a current collectors. Interestingly, specific capacitance of 164 F/g and energy of 29.5 W/Kg (at 0.25A) were achieved correlated with using H3PO4 that is considered to be a weak electrolyte. Moreover, 0.5 ohm represents the smallest electric series resistance that would directly affect the power of the fabricated solid-state SC. The composite was investigated using Raman spectroscopy, TEM and XRD, whereas, The VSP-300 potentiostat/galvanostat was used for extensive electrochemical characterizations of the prepared asymmetric SCs.
Search Articles
Pages: 154-161
WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2734 / 2224-266X, Volume 18, 2019, Art. #24