WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-2734, E-ISSN: 2224-266X
Volume 18, 2019
The Application of Neural Networks to Control Technological Process
Authors: Alena Vagaská, Peter Michal, Ivo Bukovský, Miroslav Gombár, Ján Kmec
Abstract: The paper deals with the possibilities of control andoptimization of the technological process of aluminum anodicoxidation using neural networks and Design of Experiments inorder to evaluate and monitor the influence of the input factorson the resulting AAO (Anodic aluminum oxide) film thickness. Italso compares the usage of different neural unit to define therelationship between individual inputs factors and their mutualinteractions on the resulting AAO film thickness at the monitoredcurrent density 4.00 A·dm-2, 5.00 A·dm-2 and 6.00 A·dm-2