WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research
Print ISSN: 1991-8755, E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 8, 2020
A New Manner of Crossing in the Genetic Algorithm for Resolving Job Shop Problem (JSP)
Author: Said Bourazza
Abstract: The minimization of the makespan of the job shop problem with J jobs and M machines is NP-hard problem. To resolve it we apply a genetic algorithm [1,2]. We use a real coding for the representation of chromosomes. The originality of our variant lies by the choice of two effective crossover operators and one for mutation, As well as their respective probability, determined by numeric simulations on several examples known in the literature. We compare our results on ’’OR library’’ benchmarks [3] with Adamas and al. [4], Ombuki and al [5] and Yamada and al [6] results.