WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music
Print ISSN: 1109-9577
Volume 7, 2020
Effects of music on driver behavior
Authors: Zaid Mahmoud, Martin Ruzek
Abstract: The attention level of car drivers is affected by many factors. Music is one of the most importantones, but its effect is rarely studied. Music can affect driving style in both positive and negative ways, as itcan reduce fatigue but also increase the level of distraction or aggression. This article presents anexperimental investigation of the effects of music on driver attention level. Several measurements on avehicle simulator were done to collect data that demonstrates the relationship between music and theperformance of the car driver. The simulation measured performance under three conditions - relaxationmusic, rock music and silence. Additionally, the measurements were repeated in both fresh and tired states.The results are, in some aspects, different from our expectations - for example, relaxation music improvedreaction time but also correlated with a higher occurrence of inappropriate steering actions. Deeperunderstanding of how the music and noise affect the driver’s actions and decisions will help to improveroad safety and reduce the probability of accidents.
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Pages: 12-21
DOI: 10.37394/232019.2020.7.3
WSEAS Transactions on Acoustics and Music, P-ISSN: 1109-9577, Volume 7, 2020, Art. #3