WSEAS Transactions on Computers
Print ISSN: 1109-2750, E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 19, 2020
QuantumInspired Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Test Suite Minimization Problem
Authors: Hager Hussein, Ahmed Younes, Walid Abdelmoez
Abstract: TestSuite Minimization problem is a nondeterministic polynomial time (NP) complete problem insoftware engineering that has a special importance in software testing. In this problem, a subset with a minimalsize that contains a number of test cases that cover all the test requirements should be found. A bruteforceapproach to solving this problem is to assume a size for the minimal subset and then search to find if there is asubset of test cases with the assumed size that solves the problem. If not, the assumed minimal size is graduallyincremented, and the search is repeated. In this paper, a quantuminspiredgenetic algorithm (QIGA) will beproposed to solve this problem. In it, quantum superposition, quantum rotation and quantum measurement willbe used in an evolutionary algorithm. The paper will show that the adopted quantum techniques can speed upthe convergence of the classical genetic algorithm. The proposed method has an advantage in that it reduces theassumed minimal number of test cases using quantum measurements, which makes it able to discover the minimalnumber of test cases without any prior assumptions.
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Keywords: QuantumInspiredGenetic Algorithm, Classical Genetic Algorithm, Minimization Problem,Software Testing, Optimization
Pages: 143-155
DOI: 10.37394/23205.2020.19.20
WSEAS Transactions on Computers, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2750 / 2224-2872, Volume 19, 2020, Art. #20