WSEAS Transactions on Systems
Print ISSN: 1109-2777, E-ISSN: 2224-2678
Volume 19, 2020
Specifications of Resonant Acoustic Rotating Waves in Circular and Annular Domains
Author: Eugene Sviyazheninov
Abstract: Circular and annular domains of hydroacoustic vibration are very common in modern technology due to their simplicity. On the other hand it turns out that such a shape possesses remarkable vibration properties. It is determined that there are two classes of resonant rotating waves, predominantly tangential and predominantly radial, in terms of prevalence of tangential or radial components of the vectors of vibrational velocities and displacements. The complete map of resonant angular velocities shows that all predominantly tangential angular velocities for all values of ring thickness are assembled into the self-isolating unique single low-frequency branch, whereas predominantly radial ones fill the entire high-frequency region very densely.
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Pages: 26-35
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2020.19.5
WSEAS Transactions on Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1109-2777 / 2224-2678, Volume 19, 2020, Art. #5