WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Print ISSN: 1790-5060, E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 15, 2020
Simulated Annealing Optimization of PMBLDC Motor Speed and Current Controllers
Authors: Maad Shatnawi, Ehab Bayoumi
Abstract: Brushless Direct-Current (BLDC) motors have several advantages including high efficiency and high speed ranges and accordingly are commonly used in a broad range of industrial applications. The optimization of the proportional-integral (PI) and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller parameters are highly explored and a number of tuning techniques have been proposed. This work demonstrates a permanent magnet brushless Direct-Current (PMBLDC) motor controller design method by employing a simulated annealing optimization (SAO) algorithm to optimize the current controller and speed controller parameters to concurrently minimize over-shoot, rise-time, and settling-time. We compared the proposed approach with the Particle Swarm Optimization and the Ziegler-Nichols approaches and showed that the proposed approach outperforms both of the other two approaches.
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Pages: 191-205
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2020.15.23
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5060 / 2224-350X, Volume 15, 2020, Art. #23