WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Print ISSN: 1790-5060, E-ISSN: 2224-350X
Volume 15, 2020
LP based solution for Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow including Power Routers
Authors: D. Harini, M. Ramesh Babu, C. Venkatesh Kumar
Abstract: Power Routers offers many benefits to the power system, it helps in improving the existing transmission asset utilization. Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) is becoming more important in the electrical power system especially in the present deregulated environment. This paper focuses on completely linearizing the complex non-linear SCOPF problem. The objective function is linearized using Piecewise linearization technique and the constraints are framed using linear sensitivity factors. A formal extension is made to the traditional SCOPF by including power router control in the post contingency time frame. DC power flow analysis is used to calculate the real power flow in the lines.Thus, in this paper, further minimization of cost is achieved by using Power Router control and it is compared with the conventional SCOPF.
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Keywords: Power Routers, Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow, Linear Programming, Sensitivity factors.
Pages: 30-40
DOI: 10.37394/232016.2020.15.4
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, ISSN / E-ISSN: 1790-5060 / 2224-350X, Volume 15, 2020, Art. #4