WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1991-8747, E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
Investigation of Effect of Flexural and Torsional Moment Values on Optimum RC Beam Design
Authors: , ,
Abstract: In reinforced concrete structural design, the sizing and reinforcement of structural elements, as well as the cost-effective fabrication of structural elements and the system, are essential considerations for structural engineers. Today, optimization methods are applied to ensure that structural elements can resist the design loads imposed on them and are sized and reinforced cost-effectively. In this study, in addition to the previous research on the optimum design of the beam section, four different bending moments are considered, and the effects of bending moments and torsional moments are investigated for the optimal cost-effective sizing and reinforcement of reinforced concrete beams. JAYA algorithm is used for beam section design and cost optimization. In this study, four different bending moments and six different torsional moments are applied to the beam section, and a shear force of 150 kN is applied to all beam sections. A total of 48 different beam analyses are performed for two different concrete classes using the MATLAB program. The design constraints and design rules of the widely used ACI 318 code (Building code requirements for structural concrete) are taken into account for beam design. The study clearly shows that an increase in torsional moment leads to an increase in the area of web reinforcement and a decrease in stirrup spacing, while an increase in bending moment leads to an increase in flexural reinforcement. The algorithm can effectively design the beam width and height to enable the beam to efficiently resist the applied moments. It is observed that the JAYA algorithm is effective for optimal beam design under different loads and proves its accuracy in previous studies.
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Keywords: RC Beams, Beam Section, Section Optimization, Bending Moment, Torsional Moment, Jaya Algorithm
Pages: 189-199
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.21