WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics
Print ISSN: 1991-8747, E-ISSN: 2224-3429
Volume 19, 2024
Effects of Spacer Grid on Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Fluid in a 4×4 Fuel Channel of VVER-1200 by using Ansys Fluent
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: In this paper, the structural design of a spacer grid of VVER-1200 has been done by Fusion 360
software. Simulation has been done using Ansys fluent software of temperature profile, velocity profile, and
pressure drop along the flow path of fuel assembly to find out the optimum spacing between two spacer grids in
a reactor core. Proper spacing between spacer grids helps maintain an optimal coolant, temperature, velocity,
and pressure drop ensuring efficient heat removal. This, in turn, contributes to the overall efficiency of the
nuclear reactor and generates green energy. The convective heat transfer rate from the fuel rods to the coolant is
a crucial factor in determining the total power generation of a nuclear reactor. The resulting impact on heat
transfer efficiency directly influences the total power production of the reactor. In general, one of the most
important aspects of nuclear power reactor performance is the distribution of temperature, velocity, and
pressure along a sub-channel with a spacer grid. To increase heat transfer and turbulent flow, which can raise
the reactor's power efficiency, the spacer grid structure is necessary. The distribution of temperature, pressure,
and velocity along a sub-channel with a spacer grid is a critical factor that optimizes the circumstances for
efficient heat transfer, as may be inferred from the result. The modeling of 4x4 fuel rod assemblies and the
prediction of temperature, pressure drop, and velocity distribution along the coolant flow direction have both
been accomplished with success using the Ansys Fluent program. Additionally, various PWR-based nuclear
power reactor subchannels can use this process.
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Keywords: spacer grid, optimum spacing, heat transfer, pressure distribution, temperature distribution,
Pages: 170-183
DOI: 10.37394/232011.2024.19.19