WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research
Print ISSN: 1991-8755, E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 13, 2025
End-To-End Cybersecurity Encryption- Video Algorithm
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: Recently, digital content transmission has advanced significantly. For data transfer security, video
encryption is essential. As multimedia technology improves, its importance grows. This paper proposes a
secure and effective video encryption method. The proposed technique uses symmetric key cryptography and
audio samples to avoid a trusted third party in the key exchange. To establish sender-receiver communication,
the method broadcasts the public table to all participants. The device's MAC address determines the rotation
operations required to create the private table. Thus, only the sender and receiver share the private table. The
new approach splits processed footage into audio samples and video frames. We encrypt the video frame and
audio sample using the generated private key to create cipher data. Next, we randomly insert the audio sample
into the encrypted data. The recipient will first extract the audio sample from the encrypted data and then
decrypt it. The findings show that the technique can maximize the tolerance skew value to close to the optimal
value, and the average time required to encrypt the video packet using the proposed technique is relatively
small, specifically 0.685429814 milliseconds (i.e., "end-to-end delay time”). The findings showed that the
proposed technique performs effectively in real-time and practical video transmission.
Search Articles
Pages: 116-123
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2025.13.12