WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research
Print ISSN: 1991-8755, E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 13, 2025
Online Learning Innovations in Accounting Education: A Study of Students’ Engagement and Learning Outcome
Authors: ,
Abstract: This study explored online learning innovations in accounting education to x-ray the effect of students’ engagement on their learning outcome. It was motivated by the need to ensure that accounting students can continuously access adequate knowledge and develop skills to meet the demands of today’s workplace. A Survey research design was used because the study’s source of data was primary. A simple random sampling technique was adopted, and 101 questionnaires were randomly distributed to the respondents in the final year accounting departmental Telegram group for administration. Student’s Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) was used to measure learning outcomes while proxies for the independent variables were used (Interactive Learning Activities, Environmental Support Features, Feedback, and Support Mechanisms). Using SPSS 21 software, the data was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The study’s findings revealed that the online learning outcome of students in accounting courses during the study period was not significantly influenced by interactive learning activities while Environmental Support Features and Feedback & Support Mechanisms significantly influenced learning outcomes. The study therefore concludes that the integration of interactive learning activities, environmental support features, and feedback and support mechanisms significantly enhanced students' online learning. The study recommends that educational planners should incorporate multimedia tools to foster interaction among students and take into consideration the state of environmental support features in online accounting courses. The feedback and support mechanism and the technical support services should be swift in responding to students’ questions and the technical challenges they encounter while learning.
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Keywords: Accounting Education, COVID-19, Digitalization, e-learning, Learning outcome, Learning Innovations, Online learning, Student engagement
Pages: 103-115
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2025.13.11