WSEAS Transactions on Computer Research
Print ISSN: 1991-8755, E-ISSN: 2415-1521
Volume 13, 2025
Repeated Measures Study within Subjects with Randomizations (Python Codes)
Authors: , ,
Abstract: Learning a new programming language is challenging for essentially the entirety of our population
that decides to try and pick up said skill even those who have previously learned another language find it very
difficult. This study investigates the difficulties students face when learning "for" loops in the Python
programming language. The research utilizes an eye-tracking device to analyze pupil dilation and blinking rates
as participants attempt to solve Python code problems involving "for" loops. The study includes four different
code scenarios, each with varying degrees of complexity, including nested "for" loops. The results show that a
significant portion of the participants struggled with the tasks, achieving a low average success rate of
approximately 28%. Consistent variations in pupil dilation and blinking patterns were observed, indicating high
stress levels and potential confusion. The data revealed specific areas of the code where students commonly
struggled, particularly with nested “for” loops and the “print()” function. Eye-tracking data revealed consistent
variations in pupil dilation and blinking patterns, indicating high stress levels among participants. Teachers
should be aware of the identified areas of confusion and design teaching strategies that address them directly.
Leveraging eye-tracking data to inform the development of interactive programming exercises or tools that
provide more effective visual representations of code concepts can significantly improve student understanding.
Therefore, the paper ends with some incipient teaching recommendations and future research directions.
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Keywords: Computer Science, Difficulties, Eye Tracker, “For” Loop, Introductory programming, Python,
Pages: 92-102
DOI: 10.37394/232018.2025.13.10