Topics of WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
Energy and Power,
Electrical Engineering,
Manufacturing engineering
Economics for Power,
Economics of Electricity,
Economics of Electrical Engineering,
Economics of Mechanical Engineering,
Electronics Engineering,
Energy & Fuels,
Industrial Engineering,
Energy Systems,
Power Systems in Electrical Engineering,
Power Systems in Mechanical Engineering,
Energy Systems and Geology,
Energy Systems in Civil Engineering,
Energy Systems in Naval Engineering,
Applied Science and Technology,
Energy in Chemistry and in Chemical Engineering,
Applied Physics,
Environmental issues,
Energy Management Systems,
Power Market,
Optimization Techniques, Generation, transmission & distribution planning,
Reliability and security,
Dynamic transient stability and voltage stability,
Electromagnetic transient evaluations,
Insulation co-ordination,
Transmission & distribution equipment,
Generator Protection and Control,
Parallel Operation of Generators,
Portable Power Systems,
Corporate planning and management,
Alternative energy systems,
Environmental issues,
Energy Management Systems,
Deregulation and Electric Power Market,
Impacts of deregulation,
Electricity pricing and transactions,
Open access,
IPP and Co-generation,
Power market,
Optimization Techniques,
Electricity Demand Management,
Load Management,
FACTS and Custom Power Devices for Power Quality,
Power Switching,
Uninterrupted Power Supplies,
Power Factor Compensation and Conditioning,