WSEAS Transactions on Heat and Mass Transfer
Print ISSN: 1790-5044, E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
Dynamics of a Vapor Bubble in Film Boiling and the Superheat Effect
Authors: , , ,
Abstract: This study aims at developing an improved numerical simulation of the film boiling regime phenomenon to understand and visualize the growth of vapor bubble at a heated surface during low and high superheats. The simulation of the bubble dynamics including the bubble growth, departure, coalescence, rising, and frequency of detachment under different wall superheats is numerically investigated. The continuity, momentum, and energy equations are solved for the two immiscible fluids phases using the finite volume method. The phase change model and the results exhibited a good agreement with the theoretical models. The obtained results show that the velocity of bubble growth and its frequency of emission promotes heat exchange. It is found that the shape of a bubble has been influenced by the wall superheat. It is also found that the high superheat generates a large amount of steam in which the steam bubble takes the shape of a fungus. So, a clear correlation exists between heat transfer and the frequency of detachment. As long as the frequency is greater, the heat transfer increases. Most of the heat transfer is induced by the liquid movements associated with the vapor bubble detachment.
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Keywords: film boiling, volume of fluid, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), bubble dynamics, Bubble behavior
Pages: 18-30
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3