Dynamics of a Vapor Bubble in Film Boiling and the Superheat Effect
1Laboratory of Industrial Analysis and Materials Engineering,
University May 8, 1945 Guelma,
P.O. Box 401 Guelma, 24000,
2Laboratory of Computational Chemistry and Nanostructures,
University May 8, 1945 Guelma,
P.O. Box 401 Guelma, 24000,
Abstract: - This study aims at developing an improved numerical simulation of the film boiling regime
phenomenon to understand and visualize the growth of vapor bubble at a heated surface during low and high
superheats. The simulation of the bubble dynamics including the bubble growth, departure, coalescence, rising,
and frequency of detachment under different wall superheats is numerically investigated. The continuity,
momentum, and energy equations are solved for the two immiscible fluids phases using the finite volume
method. The phase change model and the results exhibited a good agreement with the theoretical models. The
obtained results show that the velocity of bubble growth and its frequency of emission promotes heat
exchange. It is found that the shape of a bubble has been influenced by the wall superheat. It is also found that
the high superheat generates a large amount of steam in which the steam bubble takes the shape of a fungus.
So, a clear correlation exists between heat transfer and the frequency of detachment. As long as the frequency
is greater, the heat transfer increases. Most of the heat transfer is induced by the liquid movements associated
with the vapor bubble detachment.
Key-words: - film boiling, volume of fluid, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), bubble dynamics, Bubble
Received: May 24, 2022. Revised: January 11, 2023. Accepted: February 19, 2022. Published: March 20, 2023.
1 Introduction
Simulation film boiling is a computational
technique used to model the process of film boiling,
it generally occurs when a liquid comes into
contact with a surface that is much hotter than the
liquid's boiling point. In this process, a layer of
vapor, which is formed between the hot surface and
the liquid, reduces the contact area and slows down
the heat transfer process. To simulate film boiling,
researchers resort to creating a virtual model of the
system by employing numerical methods and
computer algorithms. The model takes into account
various factors such as the fluid properties, the
surface temperature, and the system`s geometry.
Then, the model has been used to predict both how
the fluid will behave under different conditions and
to study the heat transfer process.
Simulation film boiling can be used to
investigate various aspects of the phenomenon,
such as the heat transfer rate, the formation of
vapor bubbles, and the stability of the system. It
can also be used to design and optimize heat
transfer systems for various applications, such as
nuclear reactors and electronic cooling systems.
simulation film boiling is a powerful tool that
enables researchers to gain a deeper understanding
of heat transfer in extreme conditions and to design
more efficient and reliable heat transfer systems.
there are several methods for simulating film
boiling, including computational fluid dynamics,
finite element method, analytical models, and
experimental methods. The choice of method will
depend on the specific application and the available
computational resources.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
simulations can be used to model the formation of
vapor bubbles, the transfer of heat between the
surface and the fluid, and the behavior of the fluid
under different conditions. CFD simulation, which
is recognized today as one of the essential design
tools, is widely used. The choice of using this
numerical method will essentially depend on the
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
type and complexity of the problem to be solved:
the nature of the fluid, the thermodynamic
behavior, and the modeling of the medium.
The equations governing the movements of a fluid,
reflecting the conservation of both the energy
(Navier-Stokes equations) as well as the fluid`s
mass and momentum are solved by the numerical
flow simulation codes or CFD codes. It can be
observed that most of these codes use the finite
volume method.
In this paper, avaporliquid phase change
model is proposed for the volume-of-fluid (VOF)
method in FLUENT, [1], which code is the world's
most widely used CFD software. The use of this
code is not limited only by its functions, but it
provides the user with the possibility for adding
functions and defining all the peculiarities of his
problem. It is a program based on C or C++
language that allows it to automate certain
procedures such as boundary conditions, periodic,
or others. This is achieved through the use of UDFs
(User Defined Function) characteristic which will
be compiled by an integrated compiler to be then
executed, [2].
In Fluent, the VOF method solves a transport
equation for one of the fluids volume fractions in
each computational cell of the simulation domain.
The fraction volume is defined as the fluid volume
ratio in the cell to the total cell volume. The
transport equation is solved iteratively over time,
taking into consideration the advection and
diffusion of the fluid interface, the effects of
surface tension, gravity, and other relevant physical
Film boiling is an important heat transfer
phenomenon, which is characterized by the
formation of a continuous vapor film on a heated
wall. It is a two-phase flow heat transfer regime in
which the bulk liquid is separated from the heating
surface by a thin layer of continuous vapor film.
Film boiling is a major heat transfer mechanism that
occurs when the wall temperature is much higher
than the saturation temperature of the liquid.
Several methods have been developed to study film
boiling phenomena, such as theoretical models,
experiment correlations, and numerical simulations,
[3], [4], [5], [6], [7].
To estimate the heat transfer process, diverse
theoretical models for film boiling have been
developed in the literature. The transfer flux can be
predicted using an approach introduced by
Berenson, [8], This approach takes into
consideration the concept of hydrodynamic
instabilities which was later developed by Zuber to
describe the heat flux. This approach, which
describes film boiling, associates the onset of vapor
bubbles with the appearance of Taylor- type
interfacial instabilities. This model was notably
developed by Berenson as a continuation of Zuber's
work, considering the case of a flat plate.
2 Numerical Method
The vapor phase is usually generated in the thin
film region on the lower portion of the surface and
is removed upward through the formation and
release of bubbles. The vapor layer of density ρl
and thickness is topped by a liquid of density.
The interface between them, with surface tension σ,
is initially flat. The evolution of the vapor-liquid
interface during film boiling on a horizontal surface
is determined by Taylor instability, [9].
When the vapor film thickness is weak and the
liquid and vapor velocities can be neglected. In this
case, stable disturbances are those whose
wavelength is less than the value, [10], [11], [12],
[13], which is defined as
When all wavelengths can appear on the interface,
the most likely value is the one with the most rapid
growth. This wavelength is referred to as the
dominant or the most dangerous one, [14], [15].
The progression of the interface between the
phases is accomplished by the solution of the
following equation (for the qth phase), [16], [17],
[18], [19], [20], [21].
 
 󰇛󰇜
222111 vv
S is a source of the latent heat due to phase change
at the interface, [22].
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
The term source S is the volumetric term of the heat
The general form of the mass source in the vapor
phase is
󰆒󰆒 󰆒󰆒󰇜
 󰇛󰇜
The difference in heat flow is approximately given
as the source.
󰆒󰆒 󰆒󰆒󰇜󰇛󰇜󰇛󰇜
With this approximation, equation (8) becomes
 󰇛󰇜
Since there is no internal mass source, the mass
source of the liquid phase becomes
The latent heat source for the energy equation
3 Computational Domain and
Simulation Condition
In recent years, several studies have been made to
clarify and model the boiling mechanism that is
associated with the liquid-vapor phase change
process in the nucleate boiling regime. An
interesting regime which is film boiling is
discussed when the increase in temperature implies
an increase in heat flux.
In the phase change problem, the equations for
continuity, energy, and mass generally need to
include surface tension effects, latent heat, interface
mass transfer, and liquid-vapor dynamics.
The computational domain in film boiling
refers to the area of the simulation that is used to
model the heat transfer and fluid dynamics of the
process. Boundary conditions for the simulation,
such as the temperature and pressure at the
boundaries of the liquid and vapor regions have
been added. These boundary conditions are
essential for accurately modeling the heat transfer
and fluid dynamics of the film boiling process.
The simulation conditions for film boiling
include the properties of the liquid and the vapor,
the boundary conditions, and the heat flux or
temperature of the heated surface. The properties of
the liquid and vapor are typically modeled using
thermodynamic models, such as the ideal gas law
or the Antoine equation. Also, parameters such as
density, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and
specific heat can be included. For the simulation
domain, the width along the x-axis will be equal to
the wavelength of the RayleighTaylor instability
(0) to allow visualization of the rise of a single
vapor bubble. RayleighTaylor instability is one of
the important theories, which has been usually
analyzed for inviscid flows.
An inviscid flow analysis is acceptable for
general circumstances. Taking advantage of the
flow symmetry, the width of the computational
domain is chosen to be 0/2, and the height of the
domain is 30/2, to visualize the behavior of the
ascent and to have only one bubble at a time. The
initial thickness of the film is maximum at "x = 0"
defined as “node” and minimum at = 0/2
defined as “antinode”. The boundary conditions on
the two left and right faces of the domain are
symmetric boundary conditions, [23], [24], [25].
The initial shape of the vapor-liquid interface is
disturbed by the formation and the increase of the
bubble. So, there is another initialization of the
UDF function in which the steam-filled cells must
meet certain conditions, [26].
In film boiling, a thin layer of vapor film of
thickness δ(x) is formed over a horizontal flat plate
due to the rapid boiling of the liquid film that
initially covers the plate. The thickness of the vapor
film varies along the plate in the x-direction due to
variations in the local heat flux and fluid properties.
The thickness of the vapor film is an important
parameter that affects the heat transfer rate and the
stability of the boiling process. The vapor film acts
as a thermal insulator, reducing the rate of heat
transfer from the plate to the fluid. However, if the
thickness of the vapor film is too large, it can
become unstable and break down, leading to the
formation of vapor bubbles and the transition to
nucleate boiling, [27].
at 
  
  
 
 
  
Boundary conditions at the exit on the upper
surface of the domain:
at 
 
 
 
 
at   
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
Fig. 1: Mesh and boundary condition
Fig. 2: Evolution of a bubble for different meshes.
Fig.1 presents the mesh and boundary condition.
Moreover, regarding the choice of mesh, Fig.2
shows the different meshes tested (mesh (64,192) is
the most suitable).
3.1 Evolution of a Steam Bubble during its
The evolution of a steam bubble during its ascent in
film boiling simulation is highly dependent on the
local flow conditions and heat transfer mechanisms,
as well as the properties of the fluid and the heated
surface. Accurately capturing these phenomena in
simulation requires careful modeling of the relevant
physical processes and a high-quality mesh that can
resolve the steep gradients in temperature, pressure,
and velocity.
A set of images about steam bubble life cycles
from birth to disappearance is presented in Fig.3
below, and this is for different values of superheat
equal to 5°C, 10°C and 15°C. From these
images it can be concluded that superheat plays a
very important role in increasing the cyclic
frequency of detachment of a steam bubble;
therefore, superheat actively participates in the
increase of heat flow. For a superheat of 5°C and
time equal to 1.6s, there has been a single life cycle
of a vapor bubble. For 10°C, two life cycles have
been obtained, whereas, three cycles have been
obtained for 15°C. During the life cycle of a steam
bubble, it is found that the shape of the bubble is
not always spherical; however, there is a change in
the shape of the steam bubble from a hemispherical
shape to a cap shape, [28]. It is also found that the
detachment time is inversely proportional to the
superheat of the wall. In addition, the bubble
detachment from the hot surface affects the steam
film, thus improving the heat transfer.
The increase in superheat increases the frequency
of bubble formation but also ensures film boiling.
The evolution of the volume fraction, the field of
temperatures, and velocities around the rising
which were taken at various times and are presented
in Fig.4, Fig.5, and Fig.6.
Pressure outlet
T=Tsat, P=Psat
Mesh ANSYS Fluent 19.2
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
Fig. 3: Detachment profile of a vapor bubble at different steps time for different superheat values.
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
Fig. 4: Contour of the volume fraction
During the ascent of a steam bubble, the diameter at
the base of the bubble begins to shrink and then the
shape of the bubble flattens. After a time, equal to
1.2s, the detachment process ends and the next
cycle begins. The experiments of [29], demonstrate
that the second bubble is formed when the first is
released. This behavior of the bubbles is precisely
revealed by this simulation. Fig.4 shows the
volume fraction contours of the vapor bubble for
this specific case. This phenomenon can be
described in the following detail: In the initial
period, the bubble takes on a hemispherical shape.
When it is growing, the liquid fills the space
between the bubble and the interface by pushing
the interface down, therefore, the bubble changes
shape and becomes quasi-spherical. Then, the
bubble detaches and moves away evacuating the
energy stored in the form of latent heat of
vaporization in the near wall. Therefore, a new
cycle will begin. As the ascent progresses, it is
observed that the bubble takes the form of a
spherical cap, which is more spread out in width
and less extended in length. The surface tension
plays a very important role in highlighting the
shape of the bubble.
Fig. 5: Temperature Distribution(K)
Fig.5 indicates that the temperature reaches a
maximum value equal to 656.15°K at the level of
the steam film and it also reaches high values
around the bubble. However, in the upper part of the
domain which is not affected by the movement of
t=1 s
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
the steam bubble, the temperature decreases until it
reaches the Tsat (pressure outlet condition). For a
time equal to t= 1s and t = 1.2s, a thermal wave that
forms in the wake at the back (bottom) of the
ascending bubble was observed. The distribution of
temperatures of high values is in the form of a
pyramid, the temperature remains minimal at the
upper top of the antinodes.
Fig. 6: Velocity Distribution (m/s)
Fig.6 shows the variation in the liquid velocities
around the steam bubble during its birth, detachment,
and ascent. For a time, equal to 0.7 seconds, it was
noted that the velocity of the fluid is higher at the
heart of the bubble in addition to the formation of
symmetrical counter-rotations (vortexes) to mix the
hot and cold steam located on both lateral sides of
the wake of the bubble. Minimum velocities are
located at the heart of these cells, at the lower
antinodes, and at the point of birth of the bubble
(node). During its growth, the hemispherical bubble
attracts all the liquid around it thus increasing its
speed (the hot vapor is transported to the lower parts
of the bubbles, whereas, the cold vapor is
transported to the bubble cap). For a time equal to
0.8 seconds, the cells against rotators are moved
slightly upwards thus directing the maximum
velocity vectors towards the axis of the anode, (the
maximum velocities of the fluid are located just
above and around the bubble by pulling it upwards).
The direction of the velocities is practically parallel
to the bubble direction movement, except in the
lateral regions.
The velocity of the fluid is almost zero in the
upper part since the influence of the increase in the
steam bubble is negligible, However, it is maximum
reaching 0.95m/s before the moment of the bubble
detachment. For a time, equal to 1 second, the steam
bubble is ascending and the maximum velocity of
the fluid decreases reaching a value of 0.25 m/s, this
is due to the expansion effect of the bubble and the
maximum velocity vectors, which are located at the
heart and around the bubble.
For the time of 1.2 seconds, when the bubble
has touched the free surface and reached the value
of 0.63m/s, the velocity of the fluid around the
bubble increases. It can be seen that all the fluid is
influenced by the movement of the ascending
bubble as well as the one being formed. These
results are similar and in line with the results
obtained by [30].
3.2 Steam Bubble Velocity Movement
Fig.7 shows the maximum velocity at the heart of
the bubble as a function of time. For each life cycle
of a vapor bubble, two successive peaks represent
the formation, detachment, ascent, and
disappearance of the bubble. The velocity of the
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
bubbles which is almost identical for each cycle is
maximum with values reaching 0.9m/s at the time of
detachment. It is low when the bubble is rising with
values between 0.25-0.35 m/s. The maximum
velocity of the first bubble is lower than that of the
subsequent bubbles.
These findings are also observed in the
experiments of [28], who noticed that the second
bubble is formed when the first is released. This
second bubble is driven and lengthened by the
circulatory movement created behind the first bubble
which thus pulls it faster from the heating surface.
Fig. 7: Bubble velocity during their life cycles.
3.3 Nusselt Number Behavior
Nusselt represents the most important dimensionless
number that characterizes the boiling phenomenon.
It is defined as:
satpl TT
The heat flux and the Nusselt number are
proportional. This explains the behavior of the vapor
bubble dynamics by linking the two parameters.
Fig.8 and Fig.9 represent the evolution of the
Nusselt number as a function of time for different
superheat values. The simulation carried out at
different superheats of 5°C, 10°C, and 15°C, shows
a significant variation in the number of peaks in the
Nusselt number distribution.
A comparison between the mean Nusselt
values (Nuavg) of our simulation with those of the
correlations of [14], [31], are represented in Fig.8,
According to Fig.8, there is a similarity between the
simulation results and those of the two correlations,
with low errors between (6% - 12%).
Fig. 8: Variation of the average Nusselt number
(  ).
These figures show the distribution of the number
represented by individual peaks. These peaks
indicate the life cycle of a vapor bubble, whereas,
and the number of peaks indicates the number of
bubbles formed during a determined time (in our
case t=4 seconds).
Fig. 9: Variation of the average Nusselt number
For superheat equal to 5°C, four peaks are observed
indicating the formation of four vapor bubbles. For
superheat, 10°c and 15°C seven bubbles and eleven
bubbles were formed respectively. The study of the
frequency of vapor bubble detachment, which is
indicated by the temporal variation of Nu number,
shows that for a superheat equal to 5°C, every
second there is an average of one bubble with an
initial detachment time equal to td=0.9s. For
superheating at 10°C and with a lower detachment
time td=0.83s, we have a detached bubble with an
average of every 0.55s. Finally, for a superheat of
15°C the initial detachment time decreases again
reaching the value td=0.7s, and the frequency of
detachment of a bubble occurs with an average of
every 0.35s. It is concluded that the increase in
superheat implies an increase in the frequency of the
0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5
Velocity (m/s)
Time (s)
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (s)
surchauffe 15°C
surchauffe 5°C
surchauffe 15°C
Time (s)
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
vapor bubble detachment. Hence, the Nu number
and the heat flux are strongly dependent on the
vapor film thickness. Nu and q are high when the
vapor film thickness is thin and vice versa.
Therefore, the average heat flux increases as more
vapor rushes to fill the bubble, and the film becomes
vapor deficient which leads to the reduction of its
thickness resulting in a higher Nu number.
3.4 Effect of the High Superheat
the superheat at the heated surface can affect the
shape and behavior of the vapor bubbles that form
in the liquid. High superheat conditions can lead to
the formation of large, unstable vapor bubbles that
can be more difficult to control than smaller
bubbles. the effects of high superheat on the shape
and behavior of vapor bubbles in film boiling can be
complex and dependent on many factors, including
the geometry of the heated surface, the fluid
properties, and the specific superheat conditions.
Understanding these effects is important for
designing and optimizing film boiling systems for
various applications. The shape of the vapor bubbles
can also be affected by the superheat conditions. In
high superheat conditions, the bubbles can take on
irregular shapes. This can affect the heat transfer
characteristics of the system and can also affect the
behavior of the vapor film.
Fig.10 shows the influence of high superheat on the
steam film for the same conditions considered
above, and this for different superheat values: 20°C,
30°C, and 100°C.
At high superheat, after the detachment of the first
steam bubble a second bubble of small size is
formed. It is first attached to the steam rod and then
it detaches in turn. A third bubble also attached to
the steam is
then formed which is always of small size After a
fraction of a second, we have coalescence of the
second and the first bubble. After the disappearance
of the first bubbles, the third in turn detaches from
the steam. Then, another bubble of the same
dimension is formed as the third detaches with a
more or less rapid time. This phenomenon continues,
with a detachment of the bubble being done at a
lower position for steam of lower height. The
diameters of the latter bubbles are small and then
pass to medium dimensions.
It is found that at high superheat, a large amount of
steam is generated in which the steam bubble takes
the shape of a fungus. These results have also been
observed experimentally by [32].
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
Tsat 20C
Fig. 10: Evolution of steam film with high superheat
Fig.11 below shows the relationship between the
detachment time of the first steam bubble and
superheat, we note that the detachment time of the
first vapor bubble decreases with the increase in the
superheat and this at low superheat. But at high
superheat (i.e. superheat above 20°C), the
detachment time is almost identical with values
between (0.47-0.55) seconds.
Fig. 11: Initial detachment time as a function of
4 Conclusion
This study includes a numerical simulation of the
boiling phenomenon, which allows a better
understanding and a complete visualization of the
growth dynamics of vapor bubbles. By simulating
this process, researchers can gain a better
understanding of heat transfer in extreme conditions
and how to improve heat transfer efficiency in
various applications. This simulation using the fluid
volume method (VOF), presents the evolution of
vapor bubbles (birth, detachment, ascent, and
disappearance) by velocity, temperature, and
volume fraction profiles. The evolution of the
Nusselt number, depending on the different control
parameters, such as time and superheat, is also
shown. Several suggested improvements were
included in this study, counting incorporating effects
of different parameters (surface dimension,
superheat, Nusselt number), adaptive mesh
refinement, and high-performance computing.
Incorporating these improvements enhance the
accuracy and efficiency of film boiling simulations,
and enable more accurate predictions of film boiling
behavior in real-world systems. This study was
evaluated and validated by comparison with
050 100 150 200
DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
numerical correlations where it showed good
agreement. The simulation results reveal that the
increase in superheat implies an increase in the
frequency of vapor bubble detachment. The value of
the Nusselt number is maximum at the point of
bubble detachment. The superheating plays a very
important role in increasing the cyclical frequency
of bubble detachment and thereby increasing heat
flux. The study of the bubble dynamics has also
concluded that the detachment of the bubble from the
heating surface disturbs the vapor film and therefore
improves the heat transfer. When the boiling
phenomenon is studied at the scale of an individual
bubble, it is often considered to be spherical. This
assumption facilitates the exhaustive numerical
computation necessary in solving the Naviers-
Stokes equations. However, from our study, it was
observed that the shape of a boiling bubble is not
spherical due to the different forces acting on it.
Then, we can distinguish a change in the shape of the
vapor bubble, going from a spherical and
hemispherical shape to a shape of a cap and a
mushroom. The study of the vapor bubble
detachment frequency indicated by the temporal
variation of the Nu number and presented by peaks
shows that there is an inversely proportional
relationship between both the Nu number and the
heat flux with the vapor film thickness; therefore,
heat transfer is important for a thin vapor film. At
high superheat and as a large amount of vapor is
generated, the vapor bubbles break off with different
sizes thus forming a vapor rod along the domain. It
is also noted that the high values of the superheat
lead to the rapid formation of the vapor, this
consequently causes the attachment of these bubbles
with the vapor rod. The dimensions of the
computational domain are determined from the
wavelength of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability. The
variation of these dimensions influences the volume
of the bubble, the time of detachment, the
distribution of temperature, the velocity, and the rate
of heat transfer. We can therefore conclude that the
wavelength of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability is the
governing length scale; this is on the dimensions, the
number, and the detachment time of the bubbles.
Consequently, the characteristics associated with the
bubble, such as its volume, its cyclic frequency, and
its thermal transport, are interrelated.
Future directions
In terms of future directions in studying numerical
simulation in film boiling, there are several ongoing
research efforts focused on advancing this field by
developing more accurate models in terms of
modeling the various physical processes that occur
during film boiling. For example, models could be
developed that account for the effects of surface
roughness, bubble coalescence, and other factors
that can affect the heat transfer and fluid dynamics.,
expanding the range of geometries that can be
studied, investigating multiphase flow, and
validating simulation results against experimental
Specific heat
wall length
Bubble diameter
Gravitationnel acceleration
Heat transfer coefficient
Latent heat of vaporization
Capillary length
Pa, atm
Source term specific to phase
Detachment time
Vapor film thickness
Kg m-1s-1
Dynamic viscosity
Kinematic viscosity
Surface tension
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DOI: 10.37394/232012.2023.18.3
Fella Chouarfa, Abida Bahloul,
M. E. Hocine Benhamza, Samira Boufas
E-ISSN: 2224-3461
Volume 18, 2023
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problem to the final findings and solution.
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