Print ISSN: 2944-9162, E-ISSN: 2732-9941 An Open Access International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering
Volume 2, 2022
An Automatic Approach for Documentation and Recovery of Rupestrian Paintings using Multisperspectral Remote Sensing
Authors: , ,
Abstract: Today the majority of the research on rock art projects are based on the material remains in the form of painting and engraving. What exists now are not but the remains or part of that which the hand of man drew or recorded in the past. The combined action of natural and anthropogenic phenomena have been generating processes of deterioration which have led to the loss, on many occasions, an important part of the representations. Preserved signs are that make up the visible remains visually and therefore are the object of study by specialists. The implementation of a new mathematical techniques that work from data obtained using current of image acquisition, and mature technologies allow the recovery of representations, to a state of ""latent image"" after their deterioration process remain on the surface glyphs support, but are in no way visible to the human eye, and is the tool base used in the last years to document and analyse these figures. This makes that a large part of the knowledge generated in this period is only based on a part of the set of representations, the visible.The current conceptual, scientific and technological capabilities provide us tools to retrieve non-visible representations, helping to set up new models that tend to contain all of the information shown, changing in a very significant way representations or models for the study and the dissemination of cave images sets, forcing us logically
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Keywords: Rock art, New Technologies, Mathematical Algorithm, Remote Sensing, Hyperspectral Imagery, Robust Statistic, VNIR
Pages: 21-27
DOI: 10.37394/232020.2022.2.5